7:42Am, Singapore time. Dawn (If there is such thing as dawn in SG) Today is the day.. i start to blog. My ever on going quest to get rid of all the gibberish in my small confined little head. This morning Discussion on the net was abt Love. "
Can love be measured on binary measurement system as in a light switch, on or off, to love or not to love?" Kindda like Hamlet :"To be or not to be, that is the question." In Deep thought and discussion with anamosity, how do u measure love? Like in Clay Aiken's Measure of a Man, Which i heard recently, does a man have to walk on water, run through fire to prove his worth as a man? Would u ask more of a man to prove his worth to you? Interesting scenairo don't u think? Imagine Kings of the past, when young gallant knights asking for their daughter's hand in marriage, demand that they slay a dragon or kill a beast, go to the far east to find a treasure worthy of their charge's hand in marriage, to prove their worth to the kingdom and all. Fairy Tale or Reflection of society? I mean in "Measure of a Man", Clay sings this line :"
Why do you ask him to move heaven and earth to prove his love has worth." and another one goes :"
If by chance all that he have to give to you was three words wrapped around his finger, Would that be deep enough at the end of everyday? And how would you ever know if a man is what he says?" Does that prove a man's worth once he wants to commit? Does it prove that he's the one? All this competition and demands, will one ever be happy with what they have or do they still demand the sky? Contentment on the simple things is more important, measure someone for what capacity he has and not for what he haven't got. Don't go beyond unachieveable.. go on to achieve what thoust can do...