The one who loves Katsumi Yui, The Jaded Princess. Timeless as the Seasons
The Dominent Fire Sign
I Belong to the Night Clans
I record down the lives of the Mistress of the Night bolditalicunderline
Saturday, October 11, 2008 // 10/11/2008 05:42:00 PM
Time to set everything in motion
This was sent to me by Perlin and it absolutely cracked me up...
Anyway, marriage plans are finally set in motion... after nearly 5 years of contemplating, The Roadster and the Little Jade Queen has decided to a union. I cannot begin what stress this brings... Dealing with his parents and then dealing with my family. It has started to dawn on me that getting married is a pretty stressful business but The Roadster and I will make the best out of it.. The idea that I have to get across to my mother is that this is "OUR" wedding and our lives together not the family's wedding. I can understand from the point that it's about showing the man's ablility to take care of the woman, but The Roadster has been taking care of me and supporting me since the moment I have stepped foot here in the UK, Even through the most heartbreaking moment when we had to give up something that has come a little too early and too soon. But through it all, he stood by me and for that I am very greatful.
This relationship did come a long way and through all the ups and downs, the trust is built and the love grows stronger.... I know my friends tell me that the moment I am with him here in the UK, I will go back with him, but it just proves that maybe I can not have him out of my life at all, even if we are friends... Don't ask me what, there is just something that bonds me and him together and we are ready to go forward and take the next step in this relationship.. now all I have to do is just discuss the finer details with my family even though they have agreed and is happy for my decision to finally tie the knot... but it's all the face value stuff that i wanna get rid of...ARGH!!!!
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.