You know, when a woman reaches a stage, she feels the need to reinvent herself and I do feel the need to do so. There are days I feel frumpy and I wonder if The Roadster still think that his Little Jade Queen is still attractive. Well of late, there are times that I really feel that he doesn't. Maybe I should leave my hair long again to feel more femmine. I recently went with Lauren last week for my first pedicure in over a year and let me tell you, it felt good to pamper myself again. All the daily toil of working in the pub's kitchen more than I use to isn't doing me any favours.. At least when I finally get back to SG, I can be myself again.
Now just have to concentrate on making the gifts for all my "animal gang". I bought the fabrics and I ain't gonna tell them how much it costs cos them and The Roadster will be shocked.. But they are good Japanese designed cloths.. Maybe after the whole thing I might make one for myself. Here are the fabrics.

Doesn't it look lovely?? I'll probably get a red one for myself.
I went to have Korean food today at Leicester Square today.. Made my day as we had the Korean kimchi hotpot, the Bossam and the dosakk bimbipbap!!

Korean hot pot!!

The Bossam and my BimBipBap!!
Even got a new book from HMV for £3. I love Tim Burton!!

Even though I was tempted to get the Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened To Batman graphic novel.. But that is for another time.. I can't wait to get back home...
Right now it is straight on to.....

I love this game!! Thanks hubby!!
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