And so the countdown to Halloween has begun.. 60 days till Halloween and I wanted to something rather interesting this year.. TO GO TO A HALLOWEEN PARTY FULLY DRESSED WITH A COSTUME.. and I am not sure what I want to go as.. Perlin is kindda going as a witch this year and wanted to either go for a Kimono or a japanese Kogal Girl in Uniform.. (Readers:" U sure you want to go as a Kogal? I mean they are slim, sexy.. tanned skin and well looking like an inverted panda with their tanned skin and white eyeliners. How can you possibly fit the role? *Little Jade Queen frowns and clenched her fist* Little Jade Queen: "ERm.. no.. but hey.. i'm trying to lose weight.. and I'm actually planning to buy it for some other reasons... maybe a Kimono?" Readers ponders)
Well, What to do.. I really need to do some sourcing.. So now I need to gather information and asked certain auction sites as well as check out the Kimono stores at Central...
Labels: Halloween Costumes, Kogal