The one who loves Katsumi Yui, The Jaded Princess. Timeless as the Seasons
The Dominent Fire Sign
I Belong to the Night Clans
I record down the lives of the Mistress of the Night bolditalicunderline
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 // 8/26/2009 08:26:00 PM
I am a Prisoner of Love - Aikiko Rei
宇多田ヒカル - Prisoner Of Love
letter:Utada Hikaru song:Utada Hikaru
平気な顔で嘘をついて 笑って 嫌気がさして 楽ばかりしようとしていた
ないものねだりブルース 皆安らぎを求めている 満ち足りてるのに奪い合う 愛の影を追っている
退屈な毎日が急に輝きだした あなたが現れたあの日から 孤独でも辛くても平気だと思えた I'm just a prisoner of love Just a prisoner of love
病める時も健やかなる時も 嵐の日も晴れの日も共に歩もう
I'm gonna tell you the truth 人知れず辛い道を選ぶ 私を応援してくれる あなただけを友と呼ぶ
強がりや欲張りが無意味になりました あなたに愛されたあの日から 自由でもヨユウでも一人じゃ虚しいわ I'm just a prisoner of love Just a prisoner of love
Oh もう少しだよ Don't you give up Oh 見捨てない 絶対に
残酷な現実が二人を引き裂けば より一層強く惹かれ合う いくらでもいくらでも頑張れる気がした I'm just a prisoner of love Just a prisoner of love
ありふれた日常が急に輝きだした 心を奪われたあの日から 孤独でも辛くても平気だと思えた I'm just a prisoner of love Just a prisoner of love
Stay with me, stay with me My baby, say you love me Stay with me, stay with me 一人にさせない -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I read back on my novels and I thought about my Ulter Ego - Aikiko Rei, the Jaded Princess, whose love for Katsumi Yui, seems to plague her through out her life. She loved deeply, and yet she seems to hate deeply. Somehow, I always believed that she is always been a part of me. A part that I can never express in my daily life. She is strong, determined and yet calm and collective at every instances, which is a far cry from what I am. But what she and I have in common is that we are both prisoners of love. Me, the Little Jade Queen has now finally settled down with The Roadster, but yet, Aikiko Rei has yet to settle down. Maybe there is a part of me that still wishes that I wasn't settled down, wanting to live a jet setting life and being that independant and strong woman that I have been brought up to be, though it may seem to others that I am needy and lonely. I have also realised that Aikiko Rei doesn't really have much friends, only those that are her associates, those that are under her service, or those that are her equal.
I wish I could throw myself into that, though lonely as it seems, there are times I feel that I need others more than others need me. I realised that over the last year, I have clung on to my husband like glue.. and I haven't been the way I was... I wonder will I ever find back that part of me... The one who just can go out for coffee at Starbucks, armed with just a pen, a note book and her mp3 player and sit there... day dreaming, contemplating and wondering... I guess what love make people do, is lose themselves... never allowing them to be the same again... I wish I could get myself inked again and mark the passing of things that have changed my life.....
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.