Friday, October 15, 2004 // 10/15/2004 10:22:00 AM
I Live in a Fantasy World, where the men are so desirable.....and yet unattainable...
Okie.. I'm bored again.. but yet what did i do to salvage my boredom, to give me a moment's fancy or a moment's pleasure.. ( If all you are thinking of Self Loving, well sometimes self loving ain't enough, buddy.) I guess all of you who knows me well enough knows that I have a thing for anime guys who have a cool, mysterious exterior and charm about them (yeah, the major obsession for Takeshi Kaneshiro)But even though I like a few anime guys like, Sanzo from Genso Madden Saiyuki, Tamahome from Fuugi whatever, and Sanosuke from Samurai X, I recently found something else... *DroolZ MUAHAHAHA*
This guy is Sesshuomaru from the Anime, InuYasha. He's a dog demon (Readers: A wHAT?! He doen't look like a dog...") I know he doesn't look like a dog.. but he can tranform into one, a white demon dog creature.. but this is him in his normal form. He has a half brother called Inuyasha, and Inuyasha has dog ears and a dog tales along with his human form. But Sesshuomaru haven't got all that. he's like a man.. but he has claws and fangs. He is accompanied by a small gal call Riin and this frog like creature servant called Jeken. (which in my honest opinion looks like Ranma 1/2's grandfather master, Yeah the Perv old geezer who likes all the women undergarments.. that Perv)
"Sesshuomaru and that toad i told u abt"
Well, i was reading this site that has chapters of stories called Otherworld and it featured these character. but it was the way she described Sesshuomaru that really caught my eye.. I mean.. Okie.. there are pics, but the words are so manetic.. (I wouldn't say captivating, but hey it caught my interest) A Note of caution, Under NC18, please do not even think of continuing... (Okay Okay, i Censor it.. But those who want the NC18 one, leave me a note and i see what I can do..)
This is what the pics looked like and what she says...
"Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands"
"He took Her breath away! He was so perfect! His beauty was incredible - there was not one flaw on his entire body. The twin purple demon markings that were on his face and wrists were also on his hips." (Otherworld, Chapter 22)"
"OOOOO HOT!!! Don't you wanna wake up to this?!"
My new obession man.. I think he's hot.. But i guess it's everyone's human nature to escape to a fantasy world, a world where by they can bend the rules, Where He or she can have the unattainable. I escape to my fantasy world, to find a certain amount of pleasure and peace with my own being. A place where I can be sane.. or insane so to speak. Deep desires and pleasure of the kind of things that you will never get, but then again you can live in it over and over again...
"Sesshuomaru & Riin"
the forbidden fruit of the Little Jade Queen........
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 // 10/12/2004 09:17:00 AM
Quotes Quotes and more Quotes
*Shakes her head* My dearest Goldfish is in a total depression mode.. (she didn't answer me when i smsmed her or called her or talked to her online. IDIOT!) My dearest Pirahna is just fine, but she's having a bit of a prob with the younger chap. And me.. I'm just fine and dandy.. just a little bored with life but just fine. I suffered insomnia last night.. I closed my eyes but my mind is awake all the time.. U know that feeling.. you want to sleep but your mind is working, churning, tossing and turning in the sea of thoughts. Maybe it's the caffine in my system, Maybe it's just me thinking non stop about my life, reflecting on my future.
I borrowed a book recently, it's called "Women are from Venus, Men are from Hell" By Amanda Newman. It's a books full of quotes about men. Yes Men! (Very pro-feminist movement kind) but the quotes are hillarious. I mean there are a few i really like. I mean,i really love Quotes.. I have a friend who's motto in life is "Live like a saint by day, Shag like the devil by night and die like a bloody saint." THat was the coolest quote i have ever heard from a guy. Okie back to the book, it touches on topic about the secret lives of men, fear of commitment, guys on guys and all.. how typical sterotypes arises and is it really a man's world. I mean for a woman like me, who is a terrible example of walking contridiction, I'm the last person who is that Pro feminist. I mean, I am driven, opinionated.. but who do I end up with? The World's biggest MCP and The King of all ArseHoles and I'm still loving every moment of it.. Tell me, What's up with that? See what I mean?!
Men, Can't live with them, Can't live without them. Hate them, love Them, Forgive them, Nuture them or tourture them... Sigh...can't we do anything about it?!
Well here's my Motto about life... "I live life with the facination of a five year old, Wonders never cease, Passion never dies and wisdom is never ending......."
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Monday, October 11, 2004 // 10/11/2004 11:18:00 PM
My Passion.. MY Love.. My TOYS!!!
A girl can never have too much cuddly stuff.. Especially Toys.. That's right.. My one love (Other than my dearest bf and my photos). I practically grew up with stuff like that.. Come on.. i mean can anyone of u remember your carebear? I mean the 1980s carebear, not the no character, idiotic looking ones that we have now.. I MEAN those that have a distinct character one? My first carebear is my "Good Luck Bear" which is in a sealed bag somewhere in the abyss called my store room.
When i started working at where I am working right now, (Like i'm going to tell u all where i am working at? :P) I started the TY thingy... ahahah and up to date I have 6 pluffies, One buddy, called Baby Paws (Which is a bear that looks like the bear from "Brother Bear" and it's currently in London, which i have left it there. Actually Mr. Roadster REFUSE to let me bring it home, along with my "CHAO CHAO" *POUTZ*) and a Large one of Baby Paws, aptly named Paws... AHAHAH i know.. I'm waiting for the XL size called Large Paws so i can have the complete set..
I would now like to present to you my toys.... ahaha My lovely TY Precious....
This is Pokey... My very very very first Pluffie.. I love her to bits.. she has been traveling alot with me.. and yeah i talk to her... (Werido huh? :P) She has this ribbon that I have placed a Gyvenchy (whatever the spelling is) female symbol around her neck.. she is my supporter on my PRo-Feminist movement.. YEAH!!!!
This is Pooch.. this is given by my Moo Moo (a gal that i use to work with) She gave me this to cheer me up cos I was in a massive blue funk over Confused Soul.. it's actual name is Puppers.. but I called it Pooch 'cos Moo Moo wrote all over his chest and gave it a "Tattoo" (It said "TO Bark Bark, Cheer Up.. Love moo moo
) I was initially horrified and i was like "How can she?!" (OKIE LAH>>> pple buy me present, I still COmplain.. i know i bad) I was considering washing it off, but he will have a blue tinge all over him. (YES she wrote it in blue marker) so i decided instead to make him a shirt and gave him the male symbol of the othere keychain, like Pokey's
This is Whiffer..... ISn't he CUTE?!! I call him my Flop Flop dog.. check out his ears.. He traveled with me as much as the first two pluffies that i got.. But my poor Flop Flop dog has suffered injury.. he has a scar on his left foot (actually not really a scar.. the stiching was so bad that there was a gap on the foot and i have to sew it up) but he is a survivor... and just like me.. he smiles way way way too much... hee hee hee
This is Tubby, Dangles and Corkscrew... I got them all at the same time..and a month or so before Roadster came back from UK for a holiday. I got Tubby and Corkscrew cos they remind me of me... (Hippo and Pig.. what do they tell you about me? FAT right?!) And I got Dangles cos he reminds me of my sweetheart... ahahah (born in the year of the monkey u know... and YEAH HE's the biggest ape i know!! ahahahaha)
THis is Paws.... I have the smaller version of him and i'm waiting for the bigger version of this.. (wanna see the pic.. see my goldfish's blog, she has a pic of it) Once i have Large paws at my hand.. My collection is COMPLETE!! MUAHAHAHAHAH then can have one happy family.. hee hee hee...
anyway.. Time to lose weight.. you cannot believe how much weight i piled on when Roadster was back.. MAssive lots of weight.. need to diet.. exercise.. i want to pick up bowling again... (which reminds me that I have to get my bowling ball from my cousin's place) and then I want to go swimming and jogging.. It seems that I have tonnes of things to do.... SIGH!!! WHEN WILL IT EVER END?
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Sunday, October 10, 2004 // 10/10/2004 07:53:00 AM
It's International Paranoid Girlfriend Day!!!!
Paranoia, what is Paranoia? It means: 1)A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. 2)Extreme, irrational distrust of others. For me.. as a Girlfriend in a Long distance relationship with one with such a flirtatious character and with the bloody linguistic skills to charm the socks off every damn thing in a skirt and long hair and Boobies.. I am the latter of the definition. Can't blame me though.. can't even tell when is he joking or when is he not joking with me.
This has all got to do with the fact that he keeps winding me up. Telling me this.. telling me that, seeing me freak out and seeing me worked up seems to be a daily pasttime for him. LET ME TELL U, it's not fun when you start to develop paranoia and HE puts the BLAME on you. He doesn't seem to know where the root of all this paranoia started from.. and the answer is.. HIM!! YEP HIM!!!! He loves me i know that.. but he sure like every other living breathing, red blooded lass as well.
Let me see it's 104am in London.. he went to holly's and sarah's birthday party and he's not back yet.. so what happens.. PARANOIA sets in!!! (Dum Dum DAHHH!!!!) seeeeeee???
ps quiz answers ahaha i'm bored...

Your beauty is FUN!!! Man, you really don't CARE
about the way you look because it shouldn't get
in the way of you having a good time. You love
being around lots of people and are very
friendly too. Your beauty tends to be very
ordinary at first but your care-free nature and
contagious laughter make you very appealing.
You've got great verbal skills and your sooo
easy to get along with because not only are you
quite understanding and compassionate but your
light-hearted about things as well. You don't
get under stress that much which helps you keep
up your perky personality. Your beauty can be
characterized by a laugh.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla

You are Fields of Innocence
I love this song, because it's a feeling so many of
us go through. The longing to be children
again, and to escape the violent reality we all
exist in. You want nothing more then to be a
kid again. I know how you feel
Your Lyrics:
I still remember the world
From the eyes of a child
Slowly those feelings
Were clouded by what I know now
Where has my heart gone
An uneven trade for the real world
I want to go back to
Believing in everything and knowing nothing at all
I still remember the sun
Always warm on my back
Somehow it seems colder now
Where has my heart gone
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
I want to go back to
Believing in everything
What Extremely Underrated Evanescence song are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Faeries are sweet loving beings who love to help
people. They are not held back by reality and
love to dream and fly around. You probably are
very creative and although not the most popular
person in the world you are probably loved by
many for your sweet caring personality.
What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla

You are a teacher...*OMG?! What's that supposed to
be?!* huhu...don't freak're just the
kind of person who is always teaching a good
lesson to your like passing
things you've seen and learnt so that people
can live better...^____^
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.