The one who loves Katsumi Yui, The Jaded Princess. Timeless as the Seasons
The Dominent Fire Sign
I Belong to the Night Clans
I record down the lives of the Mistress of the Night bolditalicunderline
Recently I have been thinking alot and well, There are changes in my life that have greatly made a big impact on my character. I guess I have changed due to the trails and tribulations that I have been through. I came to realise on what I really hold dear to myself. My closest friends, my family members, the bond between my siblings and me and most of all, my total lack of a "love life" right now.
Of late, being in a long distance relationship seems to be getting harder and harder. Maybe because I am not as patient as before, or maybe because the disappointments are harder and harder to swallow and bear. I have never realised that it is really this hard and best of all, it took me over 4 years to realise that. I guess you could blame me for being oblivious to this fact but I have put everything on the line for this relationship with him, blood, sweat, tears, laughter, heartache, longing, patience, trust, love and faith. i have actually turned myself to a so called recluse. Refusing to budge from the sanctuary of my home or the comfort I find in a little cup of coffee. But I guess this is part of life and we do need to progress and not harbor any bad feelings. I always believe that life brings you things and events that add colour to your life and etch your character.
Think of yourself as a blank book, and you are the one writing your own story and change the course of your life. However what you are writing with is a permanent marker and no correction tape, ink erasers or tearing out of the pages are allowed. This is life. It's a big pot of boiling soup and what you add in are the salt, sugar, vinegar and herbs to make it taste better. Even if it leaves a bad aftertaste, you shouldn't regret it and just continue going forward. Reminiscing on the past is good once in a whiled, but don't hold onto it too long. Memories are like faded pictures of the past and you can only re-live them in your mind, and using your hearts. I guess that's all the flavors of life.
I miss him........
"Kimi ni Aitakute" - I Miss you
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.