The one who loves Katsumi Yui, The Jaded Princess. Timeless as the Seasons
The Dominent Fire Sign
I Belong to the Night Clans
I record down the lives of the Mistress of the Night bolditalicunderline
Sunday, December 30, 2007 // 12/30/2007 10:23:00 PM
Somebody come take away my pain....
Truth Let me stay with you 傷つけあうのに 何故こんなに 求めてしまうの Don't you know my heart 素直になれずにいたの ただひとつの愛が欲しいのに…
めぐり逢えた奇跡を信じて 奏でて行きたい あなたへのmelody もしもすべてを 失くしてしまっても この思いは永遠なの It's my Truth
Believe in yourself つまずいたときも 歩いてきた 涙を拭って Open up your heart 想い出の先にきっと 明日という 希望があるから
Give me your Loneliness and I'll give you my Tenderness 忘れないでいて あの日みた夢を 離れていても この胸にいつでも 感じている あなただけを It's my Truth
散らばる星が囁きかける 戸惑う心を照らしながら 出逢いと別れ 人は探すの いつか結び合える強い絆を
世界中の悲しみをすべて 受け止めてもいい あなたの為なら 世界中から置き去りにされても その瞳を信じている It's my Truth ------------------------------------
Let me stay with you kizutsukeau noni naze konna ni motomete shimau no Don't you know my heart sunao ni narezu ni ita no tada hitotsu no ai ga hoshii noni...
meguriaeta kiseki wo shinjite kanadete yukitai anata e no melody moshimo subete wo nakushite shimattemo kono omoi wa eien na no It's my Truth
Believe in yourself tsumazuita toki mo aruite kita namida wo nugutte Open up your heart omoide no saki ni kitto ashita to iu kibou ga aru kara
Give me your Loneliness and I'll give you my Tenderness wasurenaide ite ano hi mita yume wo hanarete itemo kono mune ni itsu demo kanjite iru anata dake wo It's my Truth
chirabaru hoshi ga sasayakikakeru tomadou kokoro wo terashinagara deai to wakare hito wa sagasu no itsuka musubiaeru tsuyoi kizuna wo
sekaijuu no kanashimi wo subete uketometemo ii anata no tame nara sekaijuu kara okizari ni saretemo sono hitomi wo shinjite iru It's my Truth -----------------------------------
Let me stay with you Why is it that we want it so much Even though we hurt one another? Don't you know my heart? I couldn't even be myself I just want a single love..
I want to believe in the miracles that we've encountered and play a melody for you Even if I were to lose everything These memories would be forever It's my truth.
Believe in yourself In times when you fall You just kept on walking, wiping away the tears Open up your heart Up ahead in your memories, certainly There is a hope called "Tomorrow"
Give me your loneliness And I'll give you my tenderness Don't forget about the dreams you had on that day Even if we're apart, I'll always feel Only you, in my heart It's my truth
The scattered stars whisper As they shine down on my lost heart Meetings and parting, people search for them. One day, We'll be able to tie a strong bond between one another
All the world's sadness if it's for you, I'd accept them all And even if I'm left behind by all of the rest of the world I'll still believe in your eyes. It's my truth.
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.