Saturday, October 09, 2004 // 10/09/2004 10:05:00 PM
Answers to Quizes i took
Okie okie.. i promised a hillarious entry.. but i'm working on it.. it's rather long and hey.. it's not easy to get everything running smoothly.. so now i give u some answers to some quizes i took.. Just for entertainment sake...

Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also
knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the
army of God. Not always meaning that they are
in war, simply that their job is to protect
unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil
demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly
with humans, but they will watch over them all
the time. Humans say that when a miracle
happens, thank your guradien angel.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla

You are Form 0,
Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

You are the color turquoise. A fairly tempermental
person, you're either upset or tranquil most of
the time. You can be as calm as your color.
You're a mysterious person, yet somehow
outgoing. You're balanced, simply put. You're
somewhat bold. You're generous and
sophisticated--but never ever snobby. You're
lively and rich in personality and attitude.
You're a beautiful person, aside from the fact
that you're a perfectionist and painfully
honest. But life is good to you!
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla

Your aura shines Yellow!
What Color Is Your Aura? brought to you by Quizilla

You're a "Red Angel" and just because
it's red doesn't mean blood or anger.
Actually, it stands for an angel in love.
You're obsessed with one person and can't get
your mind off them and it's eating you away a
little. You'd do anything for them and wait
patiently for the day they return the feelings.
You're a hopeless romantic and little things
like roses and hugs charm you. You're very
affectionate but you're shy. You're afraid of
getting rejected. Think if it this way, the
brave may not live forever but the catious
never live at all. Don't be afraid to show your
feelings. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my
homepage and look near the bottom and find your
What Color Angel are You? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla

You represent... kindness.
You're a very gentle, kind, and caring individual.
You truely care about people and are generally
well-liked. Though sometimes you may be
perceived as weak, you truely have a strong
heart and a good desire to help others.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla

You are Rerun!
Which Peanuts Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 // 10/05/2004 07:20:00 AM
My Claim to Sanity
I remember I told Jana that the day I dated James, my sanity was left at the door and some stray animal ran away with it and was never to be found. I realise that I am still sane, but not in the relationship aspect so it seems. (If i was, i wouldn't have dated the "Confused Soul" at one point. Which reminds me that I saw him last night, in my area.) Any-ho, Let's not talk about that..
All I know is that I am sane enough to debate with Jana, which Anime guy is cuter. Let me introduce the contestants of this debate....
"Contestant One : Tamahome"
"Contestant Two: Hotohori"
Yeah these two guys are from this anime call "Fuchigu Yuugi". Tamahome, the lead and Hotohori, the supporting role. Former the warrior sent to protect this gal, Miyaga (Who is his love interest, and they did end up togets), the Latter an emperor who has the hots for that gal as well. So, I was telling Jana, that I know why she prefer Hotohori, cos he's like a vagabond, long hair, adventerous looking kind. And she was saying that the reason why I like Tamahome is because I have a tendency to like strong silent type (eg. Takeshi Kaneshiro, with his cool exterior and calm charms and all) So I agree, but however she said that my darling Roadster is a far cry from the strong silent type. He's more of an adventerous, daring and carefree kind who lives life as he deems it should be.
There is another Anime we were talking about. It was that one which is like Journey to the west, "Ga-something Madden" ahaha i seriously don't know what it is called, I guess I have to ask my sister (She loves this anime.)Anyway, below is the pic of that group of Sanzo (the Monk who drinks and has a revolver. *Drools* Another strong silent type I like), Goku (The young punk who is the Monkey), Gyojo, (The "Horny" Devil, according to Sanzo), and the last one, I can't remember the name, and Jana like this gentle, charming and bespecticled one.
"Men Galore"
Sigh, I think Jana and I have reached a stage whereby we got bored again and ended up talking about these stuff. I mean what do u expect two gals with high aspirations, trying to break free from the norm of society and find pleasure in life and love of unexpected proportions. (Jana and I kindda lost touch in doing certain things like being a gf, and me just being non maternal towards everyone) So this year I have a few goals to achieve before I head up to London to join my beloved. With Jana and Lemon, together with me, I am determined to make it this time round.
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Monday, October 04, 2004 // 10/04/2004 09:04:00 AM
Photos Galore
Alright.. it's now time to reveal who is the mysterious Little Jade Queen and the Roadster... I finally can up load the loving photo that we took together (Just to prove that I DIDN'T CROP THE PHOTO NOW.)
"Me & My Love"
HAHAHA doesn't he look chubby? But i like him that way. Don't we look cute?
My relationship with him and my relationship with my two siblings have gotten better. U wanna see who are my pain and my brat?
"The Pain and the Brat"
There are those two now! ahaha My dearest siblings that make my life full of ups and down. I have a close to teenage sister and an already teenage brother. Imagine how life can be like. Anyway we are cute together and we have loads of fun. (Suddenly my blog becomes a fun blog... not a myserious dark blog anymore eh?)
I love taking pictures, and It's a usual ariesan trait i guess. My very close friend, Cheryl has never taken the sticker photos before and we went to take a few shots together and for your viewing pleasure it's below. enjoy...
"The Vixens"
"The best of friends"
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Love Affair
It's sad when a love affair dies,
All feeling closed and looked away.
Like roses dried and wiltered,
As the petals falls, one by one
So does all our dreams gone,
Piece by piece.
You have moved on without me,
As I have walked on away from you.
Never will our paths cross again
Never will we mingle in the night
Will we talk to each other,
Without even saying the things we mean?
Will we even look at each other with that adroation?
it's sad when a love affair don't last for long,
We never fool oursleves anymore
We never pretend anymore.
The flame of a love affair
blown out with the wind
As my heart closes its door on you..
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Listen to my heart
As it beats away inthe dark
As our breathing mingles
As our souls unite
As ouir bodies bond
As our emotions strung
As our passion cresendos
As the pleasure climbs
As the ecstasy grows.
How are you able to feel without touching?
How are you able to hear without hearing?
how are you able to see without looking?
Melt away the bodily cold,
Melt away the walls of loneliness,
Melt away the screams of anguish.
Let the desire take over all your senses.
Just for one night of pleasure
Just for one night of passion
Just for one night of forbidden dreams.
Feel it
Breathe it
Be it
The Momentary flame of blazing light
The moment where damns of emotions break free
The moment where we forget the world
The Moment of our forbidden love....
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Sunday, October 03, 2004 // 10/03/2004 11:35:00 PM
Beautify My Blog
Alright, i learnt how to add pics to my blog.. (Thanks to my pet "Goldfish") Finally...
Okay okay, i know this is gonna get sickening cos at the moment of time, i'm so bored with my life now. (As my bf went back to London.) So now, I would like to imagine myself like a warrior queen. (The little Jade Queen is a warrior queen like the one below.

"With my blade at my hand, I shall slice through the darkness"
now isn't that Nice? Okay Okay.. seems pretty fierce, but Isn't that what the Little Jade Queen is suppose to be?
Anyway, I just finished my first book and now i'm on two my second book. Writing my first book is hard work. It took me 6 months and Hey i even did my book covers myself... Check out my first book's covers below...

"Front Cover"

"Back Cover"
Okay, i admit it's a little abstract concept on my part, but i'm like that..
I'm already done with my 2nd book's cover page and i'm proud to present them to you right now..

"The WITHIN's Front Cover"

"The WITHIN's Back Cover"
What do u think? Leave me Comments on my book cover. Also My first story blog is up. It has the same name as my first book, but the Story plot is way way way way different. So check it out.. it's at
I'm all up for comments and criticism anyway. (That's how i'm gonna improve right?) So leave ur prints behind...
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Distance Apart
As I sit by the river,
Waiting for your return.
The sun set with the warmth of your embrace,
Remembering the love proclaimed through the silent rain.
As we kissed the moonlight,
Made love in the rain.
Tears fell as the thought of the days to come,
that will never be the same again.
Images of bodies entwined
All fleet away by the gentle touch of dawn,
to the midnight blue sky.
Gone is our innocent days,
Of embracing the night with open arms.
As I watch an image of you
From beyond the horizon,
I feel you against me as you hold me,
Like the sunset, you embrace my soul,
and captivated me,
Soothe the distruction of my live,
That has always been untold
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.
Empty Void
Your Lips say you miss me,
Does your heart feel the same?
You say you care for me
in the most ignorant type of way.
We've been apart for way too long you say,
it's just 48 hours by the way.
How can your heart be so fickle,
If you wanted me to stay.
Mere words are so simple to say,
But they hurt in the simplest of ways.
Mere actions seems so mundane,
till they break a person's spirit,
Shattering everyday.
I know when a heart sinks,
No one could hear,
But do your eyes blink,
when you don't see me there.
In these few words, I beared,
My heart, the misery you put me though.
But can't you feel it,
Can't you hear it,
That i truly love you?
Waiting, anticipating that it could be you,
an Empty void that you can fill,
that has left me head over heels.
Thru the ages of time I travel,
Seeking for my comfort, my solice,
For I am the Demon's Bride,
The forbidden Love of the Dark Lord,
Aikiko Rei.